Hi-Top Brewster

February 8, 2009

They’re baaaaack! While shopping for daughter some new snow boots and new tennis shoes, look what I came across…


I call these, ‘Punky Brewster’ because I SOOOO loved ‘Punky Brewster’  and I SOOOOO wanted to be just like her. And I SOOOO wanted some shoes like this, ahem, ‘several’ years ago.

That being said…I’m SOOOOO glad daughter was not into these. They’re cloth and I bet very hard to keep clean.

*sigh* I just remembered the Chuck Taylor days. *sigh*

2 Responses to “Hi-Top Brewster”

  1. […] Apparently, Hi-Top Punky Brewster shoes are the in thing.  I’ve already written about them once, but I continue to see growing […]

  2. what kind of shoes are those i want them for my daoughter

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